Luton Station

The Doctor finally handed me his depiction of “Luton Station after Midnight”.

“Why were you going to London so late, and why from Luton?” I asked, puzzled.

“I wasn’t”, he growled.

“But that’s a southbound platform”, I protested, still puzzled.

“The train I was on suddenly decided to terminate at Luton, and the next northbound train didn’t stop there. So the quickest to go North was to get the southbound train to Luton Airport Parkway and then get the Bedford train. Sort of thing that used to happen all the time. Probably still does, Bloody railway idiots.

“So we can look forward to a follow-up canvas of Luton Aiport Parkway?” I said, full of innocent hope.

“Sod that. I’m done with railways. They’re crap. Now hopper it”, he muttered with all the modesty we’ve come to associate with the malodorous old devil,.